Entering the World of Phone Sex

 Hey party people!  New adventures await!  I'm finally up and running as a phone sex operator on www.gayphonesexboys.com!  You can call and ask for me at 1-888-7GAY-FUN.  My job as an audio engineer became remote so I thought, hey why not?  I used to model more often til I really got rollin and busy with the "main job" but this lets me still have my kicks while working from home!  Now I'm making music ALL day!  haha

You may not know what clipping is, but I promise ya---fuck around with me and find out! lol. I'll have ya clipping so loud on the phone when you hear all the crazy taboo shit I'm gonna do to ya that you might go hoarse for a few days!  It's a cost well worth it, I guarantee ya!

sexy masculine naked Italian man with large cock and nipple piercings and tattoos, tall boots, and cock rings who loves rough sex
This is me soft, so I bet you have an idea of how much I can split you apart when rock solid!  Phone sex is fun as hell.  If you ain't tried it, you really gotta.  Besides, if you're scared, still coming out, new to all this or what not, this a perfect way to let loose and be you and see just what you like without any ramifications.  Aside from the ramming I'm gonna do to that asshole of yours ha!  You can even get one of the company's ladies in on it if that makes ya feel better! ;) We'll take gooood care of you!  Feel free to email me if you have any questions!  I don't mind getting to know you first if that helps!

Keep it real!!


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