Musings Of A Muscle Man: When Threesomes Come a-Knocking

Naked man with scorpion tattoo and monster cock wanting rough gay sex

 Ha! Thought that was a pretty fucking good title. Makes me sound all educated and shit!  Like I’m a wearing a cap and smoking a pipe!

Hate to disappoint, but I’m wearing a jersey and smoking a blunt! As my first blog, to be honest, I’m not sure if I should just describe my crazy party adventures and sexual endeavors or also plug in some sentimental shit once in a while. It might all end up depending on how much I’m smoking and how much I’m drinking!!

So for tonight, let’s keep it chill and I’ll tell ya about the fun I had the other day.  Went to a club—one of those multi-story ones with diff music on each level. Already pregamed it before getting there. Didn’t even bother hitting anybody up before going. Maybe I’d been floating back & forth from the bar & dance floor an hour or so?   Cute girl comes up to me. Curly hair, perky tits in some backless red top, short skirt and those boots that go so high up (I feel like that just SCREAMS “Fuck me!”). She asks if I’d dance with her—

Obvious answer there!  She’s grinding all over my junk. The harder I get, the more she pushes her ass up and down against it. I got good stamina, but if she had kept that shit up I would’ve blown it right there on the dance floor!  Then a guy comes up to us and I’m thinking, Aw hell—this is gonna be her pissed off boyfriend or something!  But no, he says in my ear, “You up for sharing?” She grabs his hand so I realize these 2 def already know each other.  I might turn down a good beer when I’m at my limit—-but I will NEVER turn down threesomes!  Threesomes outta the blue are jackpot baby!

So I follow them to their place and shit goes wild!  Usually I’m the one callin the shots but nah, it was like being a prime rib thrown between 2 hyenas!  The chick pulled me to the bed on top of her & then shoved my head to her pussy.  (To which I GLADLY devoured!). And the dude like gets under me and starts sucking on my nuts and licking inside my asshole. It just went on from there was a damn whirlwind!  I felt like the first time I caught my breath was when I went to the bathroom to piss afterwards.  That’s when I realized I just became their unicorn!  I’ve had threesomes, but never had the privilege of being the pretty pony haha

They gave me their numbers too so, hey, I will prance my ass over to their place any day!  It was a killer night!


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